I can’t believe we just had our second last meeting for the year! Amazing to have so many wonderful friendly faces at this month’s meeting. We got to welcome a few new faces and whilst on a certain level it’s sad to have our membership grow, there is also something wonderful and awesome in knowing that we can all offer a wonder support and comfort to each other on this Head and Neck Cancer Ride. It’s heartwarming to me to know that during such a difficult time we have all found each other to offer support and a little bit of light and laughter.

This month we didn’t have a guest speaker and just chatted amongst ourselves which was lovely to have so many of the group in person at that the Peter Mac wellbeing centre and also to join on zoom. I think we had just as many people face to face as we did online! This month we chatted a familiar hot topic for us in the Head and Neck Cancer world – dry mouth. Xlylimelts again was recommended by a few of us who use them regularly as were the mouth gels and sprays. Sudhir made a suggestion that many of us were unfamiliar with which is Oil Pulling. So I look forward to the updates over the next few meetings to hear if anyone tried it and the benefits they found also.
A special shout out to Andy Cole who’ll be celebrate his “BIG” birthday next weekend and I am certain that you will all be happy to join in wishing Andy a very happy 60th Birthday! And we all hope you got to sip that Guinness you were hoping to try!
COVID may not be gone but the travel restrictions are and from the chatter it seems everyone is relishing the freedom of boarders being open and lots of trips planned, booked or in the progress.
Well done to Maxine on her fundraising efforts for the Peter Mac Foundation at the last check the Magnificent Maxine had raised over $1800! Fabulous news!
I admit that without Tiel there to keep me on track I totally forgot to get a photo of our good looking group so we will have to hope Tiel makes a fully and speedy recovery to join in our December Christmas celebrations. Don’t forget to register and look forward to round out the year with a lovely relaxed catch up in the Well-being centre on December 4th.